

August 15, 2019

Position Vacant: Project Officer NBPU TIS

The National Best Practice Unit for Tackling Indigenous Smoking (NBPU TIS) supports regional tobacco grant recipients across Australia in their efforts to reduce the rates of smoking among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

The Project Officer will work closely with the Manager NBPU TIS to identify, develop and deliver evidence-based support to regional grant recipients.  Key responsibilities of this Adelaide based role are:

  • matching the support available through the NBPU TIS with the needs of regional grant recipients;
  • maintaining ethical standards in the conduct of project activities, especially in observing ethics and intellectual property protocols established by Ninti One to achieve effective practice in working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and communities;
  • developing and maintaining a close working knowledge of social, political and scientific developments likely to impact on the TIS program, the work of NBPU TIS and its partners, and applying this knowledge to project work;
  • organising and participating in frequent regional and national workshops;
  • proactively maintaining, developing and enhancing strong ongoing relationships with a wide range of NBPU TIS stakeholders;
  • ensuring knowledge of the impacts of smoking on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

The successful candidate will have strong cross-cultural skills, excellent project management and administrative skills and the capacity to work collaboratively with a diverse range of stakeholders.  They should have appropriate formal qualifications or relevant practical experience in community development and/or health promotion.  Knowledge of the cultural, political, economic and social issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is essential, as are effective written and verbal communication skills.  A current driver’s licence and the ability to undertake extensive intra and interstate travel will be essential.

For a job and person specification, please visit here or

Applications should be addressed to Justin Hinora. For a confidential discussion, please call Justin or Lucy Dinnison-Mitchell on (08) 8100 8849.