

November 26, 2018

Outback Alliance

On the 26th November, Anthony Rologas, Senior Project Manager attended the launch of a new alliance of non-government organisations and individuals working for better delivery and outcomes in remote Australia. The event also delivered a new document, ‘Joining the dots: Policy Pathways fit for the outback’ which can be downloaded here.

The Outback Alliance is a wide cross-sector of organisations who all provide services for Outback communities, working together towards Outback prosperity for businesses, health, environment and community underpinned by regional development and digital infrastructure.

The Outback Alliance is comprised of: Australian Rangelands Society, Royal Flying Doctors Service, Ninti One, Isolated Children’s Parents Association, Kimberley Land Council, Pew Charitable Trusts, Rangelands NRM Alliance, Desert Knowledge Australia, Broadband for the Bush Alliance and the Arid Lands Environment Centre.

“The Outback is a unique place managed by special people. It covers more than 70% of the Australian continent with only 4 percent of the population. The area contributes a considerable portion of Australia’s wealth.  It is one of the very few great natural places remaining on Earth, and is fundamental to the nation’s history and culture,” said Dr. Barry Traill, Australian Director of Pew Charitable Trusts.

“However, policies on health, communications, education, environment and other areas are often poorly delivered into remote Australia because of a failure to take account of the particular needs and characteristics of very small, remote communities,” said Dr. Traill

“This Alliance is a true partnership between organisations who all experience issues in providing services for the Outback. In small communities, different components of the community have to work together to get things done: this is echoed in the Outback Alliance approach and ultimately what we’re calling for in policy design and implementation,” said Kate Forrest of the Rangeland NRM Alliance.